A quick chat with Sonakshi Datta for The Bookie at the Goa Chronicle.

Achieving Clarity on Value
A quick chat with Sonakshi Datta for The Bookie at the Goa Chronicle.
Source, Jul 10, 2024
Carried on Jul 3, 2024, Discover Your True Self: ‘Invaluable’.
What exactly is the true purpose of #business?
In this excerpt from ‘Invaluable’, @SomikRaha recalls Swami Ranganathananda’s lecture, and offers tips on aligning our decisions with our values#selfhelp #religion #spiritualityhttps://t.co/24Yq3wZEHC
— Governance Now (@governancenow) June 22, 2024
Coverage in the Goa Chronicle: Pay attention to how you feel for better decision-making by Sonakshi Datta.
Also see dialog with Sonakshi on The Bookie podcast.
A dialog between Indie Press’ Sharfaa Zaib and Somik Raha at The World Book Fair, New Delhi.
Here is an excerpt from Chapter 3 of Invaluable titled The Boy Who Lived for Germany. This is the story of Robert Hartman who founded the field of Formal Axiology. Professor Emeritus Rem Edwards, who studied with Hartman and helped me understand this field, posted a great review of the book here.