Chapter 3: Numinous Values

Ethical Codes

Here is Prof. Ronald Howard and Dr. Clint Korver’s talk at Google on building ethical codes.

Ethics for the Real World, the book by Prof. Ronald Howard and Dr. Clint Korver.

The Best Negotiation Ever (a blog post outlining what I have gained from Prof. Ronald Howard’s work on this)

The Straight Path, an interview conducted by Dr. Sam Harris with Prof. Ronald Howard on his unique approach to ethics.

Giving Voice to Values by Prof. Mary Gentile takes a similar action-oriented approach to ethics.

The Boy Who Lived for Germany

Freedom to Live, Robert S. Hartman’s autobiography, is eminently readable and a great philosophical contribution to our thinking on values.

The Essentials of Formal Axiology, by Dr. Rem Edwards, explains the key contributions that Hartman made. Published in 2010, I found this to be a much more accessible distillation of Formal Axiology than Hartman’s own Structure of Value: The Foundations of Scientific Axiology.

Mission Accomplished: An Unexpected Measure of Success in Afghanistan

Here is the interview with Lt. Gen Richard P. Mills.

Credit: Decision Education Foundation and Society of Decision Professionals

Samurai Cutting Angles

The Samurai paid a lot of attention to the angle of their cut in order to minimize the pain of their victims. Here is a video from the Smithsonian.